About Foolproof India
Foolproof India was started with the intent of tapping into India’s massive pool of design and technology talent. We wanted to afford our clients different perspectives on the work we do and build complementary teams of people within our Studios across global locations. We are expected to grow rapidly into one of the largest regional studios at Foolproof within the next year.
Fun facts about Foolproof India
- We speak 12 languages between us.
- Our team have been national sports champions in Hockey, Swimming & Football.
- “Netflixipedias” in the house – we’ll give you reviews on just about any show on the platform.
- Outside of work our DIY projects include fitting vintage cars with the latest engines and building unconventional model designs using 3D printers
- We love all things rock, country & pop. Strumming & humming is our #1 stress reliever.
- Our Studio has won 5 Design Awards in areas such as the best experimentation practice, strategic delivery & design optimisation.
How Foolproof helps you become a better practitioner
A haven of creatives, tinkerers and thinkers
As a forward-thinking studio, our culture and processes are customised for our people to experiment, learn, grow & collaborate in the most effective manner possible.
Guild weekly programs
Everyone is part of something we call a guild. These guilds run sessions every week that help our people develop new skills and mentor others. They also facilitate feedback clinics where we showcase work to people and problem solve together.
Self-initiated learning and development
We outline and follow self-development plans which focus on behavioural and executional skills we’d each like to improve. Foolproof also has a training budget for external development activities. We’re all about continuously developing our capabilities to make us more rounded practitioners and to match the end-to-end nature of the work we do.
Project rotations and on-the-job learning
Our designers are rotated across different projects in the company, to widen their exposure into new domains and to work on fresh client challenges. We also take on-the-job learning very seriously. If there are particular skill-sets you don’t have, we give our team the opportunity to learn and develop them on a project.
Foolproofers are kind and warm hearted
The one thing you will hear consistently at Foolproof is how great everyone is. We have a culture where we all go the extra mile to support each other. Everyone is approachable and feedback and suggestions of any kind are taken and considered with an open mind. This drives better outcomes for our people, business and clients.

Life outside of work
Away days: We get together regularly for days which are geared towards fun, learning and the exchange of ideas. In the last year this has included playing games, dressing up in costumes, creating doodles and widening our perspective on topics such as diversity and sustainability.
Chai Time Friday: We host awesome gup-shup sessions every Friday. We often get together with the team from Singapore or the UK for some exciting cross-culture talk as well.

Local and sustainably minded
Social welfare initiatives: We invest a lot of our free time into the development of the society and environment around us. You will often find us on the streets or in rural communities, doing things to help those in need.
Sustainability programs: We often meet up as a team to explore ways in which we can make daily living more sustainable. We believe little actions we take each day will cumulatively result in a big change, over time.